Change Management

Change is the only constant of life. In today’s competitive environment, tackling the shifting demand scenarios it is very important to adopt the changes. So, change management is an integral part of the business strategy. Finapsys has a well-qualified and experienced Team to handle the entire change management process for their client.

Find out the need for change

It is very important to know if there is an actual need for changes or not. If the company is doing well and has a projected plan of doing well in future so no need to do changes in the process but if it is not then required to analyse the old data and find the reason for failure.

Define the change requirement

After the reason for failure is found out, we need to define the requirement for the changes.

Analysing the data and finding out the GAP

We need to analyse both data, previous data and the data incorporated after the change requirement and do the GAP analysis.

Defining Vision/Strategy

After the GAP analysis, it is very important to define the new vision or strategy.

Change management team

Select a team of capable people from each department to implement the change.

Management commitment

Take approval from management for the change management.

Implementation of change

After getting approval from the management it is important to implement the change management in the system.

Monitoring the progress

After implementing the process it is very important to monitor the function and submit a report of variance to the top management.

Minimize the variation

After getting approval from the top management we are taking corrective measures for the negative variance.

Modify the changes if required

Based on the variation report if required we use it to impose the best suitable changes or modifications to the process.