Before sending the data to the external auditor/government authorities it is very important to do a health check-up of the company’s accounting. It is desirable for the company to do this kind of check-up through external agencies because if it is done by an internal team then there is a high chance of Standard errors or sometimes hiding the actual facts leads to inconsistent books. Finapsys has a team of well-qualified finance and accounting professionals who can help their client to perform the internal audit and provide suggestions for betterment.


Identify the Processes to be Audited

Professional team of finapsys first checks each and every transaction of the company then analyses the same minutely and finds out the research hypothesis.

Decide on the Frequency of the Audits

After analysing the above finapsys decides on the frequency of the audits. As the improvement starts frequency of the audit.

Plan and Schedule the Audits

After analysing all the data finapsys come up with a schedule and plan for the audit and share it with top management for approval.

Notify the People Involved

After getting approval from the top management. Finapsys forms an audit committee from different departments.

Prepare the Audit Checklist and Execute Audit: -

After discussing all the necessary matters finapsys is preparing an audit checklist and start executing the audit process.

Record and Analyse Audit Findings: -

After completing the audit finapsys analyses the data and prepares the report for the next step.

Investigate to Develop and Implement Action Plans

When the analysis report is ready then it is time to define the action plan for improvement.

Perform the Effectiveness Review and Audit Follow-Ups

Following up on the investigation query is the responsibility of the internal auditor.

MCA-related services

Finapsys is providing all MCA-related services to their business partners.