FP&A and MIS

Financial planning and analysis now days gaining advantage as without planning no business can survive and grow. Finapsys is helping their client to handle the entire financial planning and analysis including budgeting, forecasting, variance analyse and MIS.

Budgeting and forecasting

Without planning achievement of success it is very difficult So budgeting is a function which will help organization to achieve a sustainable level of success. Budgeting is including annual operating plan, Project profit and loss, cash flow. Fund flow, balance sheet, revenue plan ect. Finapsys is helping their client to prepare entire budget including all the function Defined above.

Variance analysis

After defining of budget we need to compare the same with the Actual Result and find the variances. Variances some times are positive and some times are negative. Finapsys is calculation the variance and find out the reason for variance and prepare the report on the same for their client’s top management.

Revenue planning and analysis

Revenue and pricing both are getting the top most priority or any business and this is the most tough subject to deal with as any kind of deviation any create a problem in the company’s top line as well as the bottom line. Finapsys is helping their client to take necessary decision for revenue and pricing.

Corporate finance

Finapsys is handling entire corporate finance including the treasury and treasury MIS function.

Financial strategy

Finance is the bread and butter for any business. Arranging finance is most difficult task so having properly placed financial strategy is very much essential for all the organization. Finapsys is helping their client to define a balance financial strategy which can help business to gain a sustainable financial stability.

Decision support

Finapsys is helping their client take important and necessary decision for their growth and wellbeing of the business.

Cost structure and planning

The first stage of cost control is defining proper cost structure so plan the cost as per need of the business and defining a proper cost structure is very important. Finapsys is defining a proper cost plan and reviewed cast structure of the organization after analysing the old cost structure of the company.

Cost control

After defining the cost structure and cost planning finapsys is monitoring the actual cost of company and suggesting about the cost control strategy of the company.

Balance sheet analysis

Most business leader requires a proper understanding about the balance sheet but balance sheet is to much technical so they are struggling to understand the data. Fimapsys has a experienced and qualified team who can analyse the balance and prepare a proper report which can be understandable to all business leaders.

Ratio analysis

Every analysis has got two measurement one is absolute and another is relative. Ratio analysis is relative measurement process where a person a understand the company’s financial position through some ratio. Finapsys is analysing the financial with the help of ration and declaring the result to the management with the suggestion for improvement.

Cash flow/fund flow projection/management

Finasys is helping their client to prepare/interpret/manage the cash flow and fund flow of the company.

Management accounting and pricing

Finapsys is managing the entire Management accounting and ratio analysis of their client.

Financial policy

Finance is the bread and butter for any business. Arranging finance is most difficult task so having properly placed financial strategy is very much essential for all the organization. Finapsys is helping their client to define a balance financial strategy which can help business to gain a sustainable financial stability.

Financial policy

Finapsys is helping their client to define their financial policy and implementation of the same.

Management business review

Every management want to know how their business is performing and how it is capable to earn the profit and long-term success. For this purpose, the management need to review financial position and manpower performance of all the department. This kind of review require some specific reports Finapsys is helping their client to prepare this kind report and help their middle management guys to present the same in front of top management.

Financial MIS

In today’s world Management information system is the key indicator for any business. Finapsys is helping their client to prepare and interpret their MIS.

SBU wise/Project wise Profit and loss analysis

It is very difficult for any business to allocate proper cost to the proper business unit and finalize the SBU wise profitability or project wise profitability. Finapsys is having certain methodology where we can help our client to proper allocation of cost and find out the project wise profit and loss account.

Zero base budgeting

If any client is trying to implement Zero base budgeting system finapsys is helping them to implement the same.