strategy. Even if we check last 5 years most searched word in google,
will find “Strategy” is in the second or third most searched word. Now a days
even a 10-year kid using the word “Strategy” to get a chocolate from his/her
parent. There is nothing wrong in this because “Strategy” means to formulate a
plan to achieve something, and that achievement can be anything. Nobody has the
copy right for using or non-using this word only if it is important to know the
implementation of the strategy so that achievement of target can be smoother.
As this is a business-related article so mostly our implementation process is
based on “Business Strategy” only.
We segregate the process into six steps and named them as 6A’s
of strategy implementation.
Acquire: - Here Acquire means acquisition of data. As
it is near to impossible to plan the future achievement without analysing the
past data. For analysing data, it is important to acquire the appropriate data.
Like if we need to analyse the selling strategy of Ice-cream in the winter
season and we have last 5 years sales data of the same ice-cream, this is not going
to help us in implementing the strategy to sell in winter. We need to have the
sales data of last 5 years in winter season, that will help us in formulating
strategy for winter sales. So, for implementing a strategy it is must to have
the accurate & relevant data.
Analyse: - After Acquisition of the data it is time
to analyse the same in a proper manner.
Choosing the mode of analysis is a critical task. Suppose we want to do
a sales analysis through the stock inward and outward register for perishable
food Item and we are using LIFO method then there is a huge possibility of the
standard error. We need to use moving average method or FIFO method to value
the stock as using LIFO for a perishable goods can create a misleading value.
So, we need to do a proper analysis to find out the desired result.
Abridge: - After analysing the data it is also important
to prepare the summary of the analysis. Top management does not have that much
of time to go through each and every analysis. Hence, it’s also important to
create an effective summary by which the top management can understand the
result of the analysis and take the appropriate decision on time.
Address: - After identifying the problem through the
result of the analysis, the next stage is to address the problems. In this part
we need to first prioritize the problem and start putting various methods to
reduce the problem and take the process near to the perfection.
Approval: - after getting success in the previous
step it is very important to take approval regarding analysis and implement
process from the top management. It is very important to get approval from all
the top management personal other wise the implementation process will not be
Apply: - After approval, the last stage of this process is implementation of the same. This process is very much critical because it requires a close level of monitoring. In this process we need to constantly do variance analysis between Plan VS Actual result and follow a continuous improvement plan until we achieve the planed result.
Strategy implementation is the Cumulative of all this 6A’s and the continuous monitoring of the process and a continuous improvement plan.Finapsys© 2022. All rights are reserved