company is
now more focusing in reducing the cost to maintain a healthy business growth
and better net profit percentage. Cost reduction saying is easy but actual
implementation is much more complicated & most of the time companies takes wrong
route. Companies instead of targeting other costs they often use to focus on
the headcount to reduce cost. Reducing manpower is not the right option, it can
effect in the KPI of the said department and actually it can hamper the work in
long run.
People need to understand if a company need to go through a cost reduction they need to 1st go through a proper cost review and then decide the cost reduction strategy. Here for understanding will take an example of hypothetical company, where will go through a proper cost review and cost comparison and then will show cost reduction strategy.
Excel file document
1. As per the cost
review document sales figure of the company is same for both the years but the
cost associated with sales like purchase, subcontractor cost, freight etc., has
increase by ? 24 Cr. In the next year the average increase of all cost is
around 6%. This cannot happen only due to increase in price. This is actually
total inefficiency of SCM department. Company should focus on reducing cost in
this segment by negotiating with labour contractor, freight forwarder,
recruiting exclusive supplier for specific equipment or principle supplier.
2. Company has
recruited some employees for the future project which will provide revenue in
the next year. This activity increased the payroll cost and recruitment cost.
HRD should focus on recruitment of resources when it is actually needed, they
should actually focus on the theory on ultimate utilization of resources.
3. Travelling
expenses increased by 32% but there is no increase in sales, so company should
focus on reducing unnecessary travel expenses.
4. Legal and
professional expenses increased by 32% due to the consultancy fees like
FP&A, banking, due diligence etc., which company would had done through
internal team instead of paying consultants.
5. Company should had
filed and submit all their statutory report on time that will help them to
control interest and penalty expenses.
6. Shared service
cost is one of the major problem for SBUs. If in one year SBU makes good profit
corporate office used to put more share of expenses to the SBU but corporate
office need to be lenient for allocating expenses.
7. Finance cost has
increased 50% that is mainly due to increase in LC charges and LC interest but
if the supplier moves into LC terms then company should crack a better price
deal but here purchases price has increased instead of LC. F&A department
of the company should check on the issue and reduce cost.
8. Company should have a control over its administration cost.
So if a company need
to go through cost reduction process then company need to follow the above
mention steps to complete a smooth implementation of the same.
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